
Level I Re-seller Support

  1. Re-seller provides Level 1 technical support to each Subscriber.  Level I support includes but not limited to traditional terminal file building, downloading, testing, deployment, warranty services, terminal malfunctions, configuration and ongoing terminal and payment card processing support.

Level II Support

  1. Blackline to provide secondary support to Re-seller during the hours of 9-5pm CT.  After 5PM, support is provided via email at [email protected].  The preferred support method is email with historic responses under 4 hours.
  2. Blackline will provide training via phone conference calls and online learning to Re-seller for file building, setup, configuration and support items not addressed in the first level support above.
  3. Level II Support services are defined as but not limited to Point of Sale command transmission errors between Point of Sale and eConduit, ancillary terminal functions such as signature capture activation, tip prompts, and other support issues related to the communication between Point of Sale and Blackline Services.
  4. Reseller is expected to handle all traditional support inquires for subscriber(s) for the life of the license as described in the Referral agreement and herein, should Re-seller fail to support subscriber(s) and Blackline is consistently required to support subscribers directly for common support tasks not defined or similar to Level II and level Level III support, Blackline reserves the right at their sole discretion to bill the subscriber a support fee direct to subscriber.

Level III Support

  1. Level III support is defined as networking support for subscriber.  If Blackline is required to VPN or access the Subscribers internal network remotely to support Subscriber(s) because of unique or unknown issues with License of Subscriber.