
Trusted by over 200+
Point of Sale Systems

eConduit creates the bridge between POS systems and payment organizations.
Resellers of eConduit can manage the deployment, support and relationships direct with leading ISVs globally.

eConduit Base

$.03per transaction
  • $35 application fee/device
  • $3.00 per device monthly
  • $0.03 per transaction

Hosted License

Hosted License

  • $5,000 monthly
  • $95.00 per activated terminal
  • Access to eConduit EMV base
  • Partner hosted
  • Updates, maintenance and enhancements
  • All device capabilities
  • Customer specific hardware
  • Full client control
  • ISV direct integration to partner hosted license API
  • Custom development resources

Branded or API Service

Hosted License

  • $2,500, $5,000, $7,500 (monthly)
  • $3.00 per device monthly
  • Access to eConduit EMV terminal base
  • Direct access to ISV base
  • Branded API or cloud to cloud services
  • eConduit managed
  • All device capabilities
  • Customer specific hardware
  • Full client control
  • ISV direct integration to partner hosted license API
  • Custom development resources (optional)

eConduit is commonly mistaken for a payment gateway, we are not a payment gateway, we NEVER touch, store or transmit card data.  eConduit is a cloud proxy/middleware providing POS/ISVs to integrate to payment devices globally.  eConduit receives a transaction request from the POS/ISV and converts the request into the device specific language. eConduit then pushes the command down to the device wherever it resides and waits for the response. The payment device is responsible for securing card data, completion of the transaction, and communication direct to the payment host.  eConduit acts as a traffic cop between the POS/ISV and devices to allow seamless communication of integrated payments globally.

eConduit is managed and hosted with AWS.  Our infrastructure is comprised of Microsoft Servers and Microsoft SQL.

Card data never enters the eConduit platform.  All card data is captured and transmitted by Level III certified payments devices.  Card data is securely transmitted directly between the payment devices and payment host.  Data that physically resides in our service includes date, transaction type, auth code, first six and last four of card (when available), EMV data (TC, TVR, AID, ATC) card type, and other non-sensitive transaction information.

The service has no access to SKU data, personal information, or other information related to products or services sold.

We leverage YOUR certified hardware, encryption keys and operational processes.  We strive to minimize operational impacts to your organization – we leverage your existing hardware and deployment process with eConduit activated on your payment hardware.  File management, updates, support, swaps and all other operational functions remain under your control.

 Our web-based API requires no SDK management, local installs, static IP address or other complexities. Our API provides ease of use regardless of operating system, hardware and even works with remote hosted applications.

eConduit is limitless for reach and connectivity.  We are aggressively identifying devices globally to add to the eConduit platform.  Currently we have integrated with:  Clover, Ingenico, Dejavoo, VeriFone, Pax, NEXGO, and additional devices.