eConduit and Moneris provide a true cloud based integration allowing POS systems access to Moneris with eConduit’s ease of integration and plug and play installation ensuring compliance with Moneris and Canadian processors.
Pricing is $95 activation per device and $25 per month/per device. The service will operate until the end of the installed month, the following month, an email for payment will be provided.
Important Requirement:
eConduit has removed the complex receipt compliance requirements in Canada. Each POS system is required to print the contents of the receipt exactly as provided from eConduit ensuring compliance with Moneris and Canadian brand requirements.
Approved POS Systems:
Springboard Retail
C000189ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware), – econduit Cloud P400
C000190ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware), – econduit Cloud e355
C000169ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware), WooPOS – econduit Cloud P400
C000170ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware), WooPOS – econduit Cloud e355
C000196ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware), – econduit Cloud P400
C000197ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware), – econduit Cloud e355
C000096ECP (cert code: needed when purchasing hardware)
Boarding Credentials (must be provided by POS/merchant to [email protected]):
- Store ID
- API Token
- Serial Number (serial number) – used for pairing with POS
- Pairing Token
Device Configuration Steps:
If device does not say welcome/Bonjou and two CC’s in the upper right hand corner, the follow the steps below to configure device.
- Power cycle device and once you see “U-1120-61***”, press the RED button followed by the GREEN button
- Select Language, press GREEN button
- Select MODE, should be set to SPT, press GREEN button
- Select CLOUD as comm type and press GREEN button
- Select DYNAMIC and press GREEN button
- Select PRODUCTION and press GREEN button
- Selection PRDUCTION again and press GREEN button
- Connection Host timeout should be set to 20, press GREEN button
- If will show terminal ID, this is the serial number (example 61075xxx used for pairing), press GREEN button
- Press GREEN button again to confirm serial number
- Device will call Moneris host and provide pairing token simialr to image below.
- All four items should be added to eConduit portal (store ID, API token, serial number and pairing token). When added, pair with POS using serial number.
Pairing Token Example :

Detailed Receipt Requirements:
- Print receipts
- Customer
- Merchant
- Language requirements
- English/English
- English/French
- French/English
- French/French
- Receipts set to 40 characters wide, able to change font and size
- Place header with store name and address
Certification Process
1. With receipts complete, eConduit will run 8-10 tests and send to Moneris for approval
2. With approval, you will be provided a config code for boarding
3. When boarding merchants with merchants, sales rep, bank or Moneris, provide your config code and the client will be provided the properly configured device.
Sample Receipt Data:
"custReceipt": " TRANSACTION RECORD\nTYPE: PURCHASE\nACCT: INTERAC CHEQUING\nAMOUNT: $ 1.00\nCARD NUMBER: ************0454\nDATE/TIME: 19-01-09 14:25:37\nREFERENCE#: 610758680010280040 C\nAUTH#: 372589\nInterac\nA0000002771010\n8000008000 6800\n\n 00 APPROVED - THANK YOU 001\n\n\n -- IMPORTANT --\n retain this copy for your records\n\n *** CUSTOMER COPY ***\n" "merchantReceipt": " TRANSACTION RECORD\nTYPE: PURCHASE\nACCT: INTERAC CHEQUING\nAMOUNT: $ 1.00\nCARD NUMBER: ************0454\nDATE/TIME: 19-01-09 14:25:37\nREFERENCE#: 610758680010280040 C\nAUTH#: 372589\nInterac\nA0000002771010\n8000008000 6800\nVERIFIED BY PIN\n\n 00 APPROVED - THANK YOU 001\n\n\n *** MERCHANT COPY ***\n"
Receipt Example:

Moneris Device:
Verifone V400