The transaction results will be returned in a JSON string.
TerminalId | Echo back original TerminalID provided |
ResultCode | Approved”, “Declined”,”Error”,”Connection Timeout”,”Terminal Busy”,”Cancelled” If using the getSwipe command, “Success” will be returned. |
ResultFinal | Indicates if the result is the end result or not.In cases of comm failures, this will be false, normally it will be true |
AuthCode | Authorization code provided by authorization network |
TransType | Sale,Refund,Void etc |
Amount | Amount Paid, could be less than what was requested (decimal) |
AmountString | Amount Paid , could be less than what was requested (string) |
CardType | “Visa”, ”MasterCard”, ”Discover”, ”Amex”, ”JCB”, ”DinersClub”, ”enRoute”, ”Interac”, ”Flash”, ”Debit”, ”GiftCard”, ”EBT”, ”LevelUp”, ”Voyager”, ”Wex”, ”Other” |
Last4 | The last 4 digits of the card number |
Name | Name on the credit card |
CashBack | Cash back amount (decimal) |
CashBackString | Cash back amount (string) |
Message | Any error message returned from the terminal. |
RefID | Echo back original RefID if one is provided, otherwise one is created. If a tip adjustment or void is required, this value must be saved and passed in the tip adjustment command. |
receiptTerminal | If the terminal supports sending the receipt in the response, the receipt will be provided here. This data can include carriage returns and line feeds. |
CardToken | Supported on Vantiv using Dejavoo. On Pax, TSYS and RapidConnect. |
GiftCardBalance | The balance remaining on the gift card (decimal) |
GiftCardBalanceString | The balance remaining on the gift card (string) |
ProcessorExtraData1 | This field will vary depending on the processor. For Mercury, this will have the AcqRefData |
ProcessorExtraData2 | This field will vary depending on the processor. For Mercury, this will have the ProcessData |
ProcessorExtraData3 | This field will vary depending on the processor. For Mercury, this will have the Refno |
SignatureData | If the device supports signature capture, this field will be populated with a base64 string that contains a png file. |
EMV_TC | EMV Transaction Certificate |
EMV_TVR | EMV Terminal Verification Results |
EMV_AID | EMV Application Identifier |
EMV_TSI | EMV Transaction Status Information |
EMV_ATC | EMV Application Transaction Counter |
EMV_App_Label | EMV Application Label |
EMV_App_Name | EMV Application Name |
EMV_CVM | EMV CVM – Integer response value -1 Undefined (not part of the terminal response) 0 No CVM 1 Verified by PIN 2 Signature Required 3 PIN and Signature Required 4 Failed |
EMV_ARC | EMV Authorization Response Code |
CardBin | Card bin number, first 6 digits of the card |
EntryMethod | Manual, Swipe, Contactless, Scanner, Chip, ChipFallbackSwipe |
TransactionDate | local transaction time (central US), ISO 8601 format. Example 2016-08-25T15:28:11-05:00 |
TransactionDateUtc | UTC tranaction date, ISO 8601 format. Example 2016-08-25T20:28:11Z |
ExpDate | If the expiration date is available, it will be returned. Format = MMYY, i.e. January 2017 would be 0117 |
GiftPAN | On gift card transactions, if the full gift card number is available, it will be returned. |
BatchNumber | The current Batch number – where available |
SurchargeFee | Amount of the transaction surcharge. This fee is already added to the amount field. |
PaymentMethod | Credit, Debit, EBTfood, EBTcash, Gift |
JSON Response
{ "TerminalID": "1234", "ResultCode": "Approved", "AuthCode": "abc1234", "TransType": "checkStatus", "Amount": 2.50, "AmountString":"2.50", "CardType": "Visa", "Last4": "0026", "Name": "John Doe", "CashBack": 0.00, "CashBackString": "0.00", "Message": "This is a sample message", "RefID": "ee0252f6-38bf-4c3f-97d4-a3ecf87cf69b", "CardToken":"ASDF2134-AHRCW+FSD123123-NKODS", "GiftCardBalance":23.75, "GiftCardBalanceString":"23.75", "ProcessorExtraData1":"KaNb015170105002706cAAFEd5e00fJlA m000005", "ProcessorExtraData2":"|17|210100700000", "ProcessorExtraData3":"0058", "SignatureData":"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAI4AAA<snipped>QmCC=", "Track1": null, "Track2": null, "EMV_TC": "B9AB420B0937438F", "EMV_TVR": "0800008000", "EMV_AID": "A0000000031010", "EMV_TSI": "F800", "EMV_ATC": "0016", "EMV_ARC": "", "EMV_CVM": "1", "EMV_App_Label": "Visa Credit", "EMV_App_Name": "Visa Credit", "CardBin": "476173", "ExpDate":"0128", "EntryMethod": "Chip", "PaymentMethod": "Credit", "TransactionDate": "2019-05-03T08:29:59-05:00", "TransactionDateUtc": "2019-05-03T13:29:59Z", "InvoiceNumber": null, "merchantReceipt": null, "BatchNumber":"1", "SurchargeFee":0.09, "receiptTerminal":"Blackline Partners Client ID: 13318900010001 Cashier ID: Lane: Store: 05/01/2015 16:56:25 SALE Invoice: 78 Account: VISA 401200******0026 Cardholder: TEST CARD /VISA Result: CAPTURED Authorization Code: 000271 " }