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  4. showUrl


The showUrl method allows you to push any url to the device. This method is only available on Android devices. You could use this to create a pay at the table workflow, create a user registration process or really anything that a customer would need to do at checkout. All urls will need to be SSL enabled and you have to pass the full domain name with the HTTPS://. The isDefault variable will set the url as the default page that is show when the app starts up or after each transaction.

Please talk with us prior to using this method to help determine if your workflow is appropriate for this feature.

HTTP Request


JSON Response

 "TerminalID": 1372,
 "ResultFinal": true,
 "AuthCode": null,
 "TransType": "showUrl",
 "Amount": 0,
 "AmountString": null,
 "CardType": null,
 "Last4": null,
 "Name": null,
 "CashBack": 0,
 "CashBackString": null,
 "RefID": null,
 "receiptTerminal": null,
 "CardToken": null,
 "GiftCardBalance": 0,
 "GiftCardBalanceString": null,
 "ProcessorExtraData1": null,
 "ProcessorExtraData2": null,
 "ProcessorExtraData3": null,
 "SignatureData": null,
 "Track1": "",
 "Track2": "",
 "EMV_TC": null,
 "EMV_TVR": null,
 "EMV_AID": null,
 "EMV_TSI": null,
 "EMV_ATC": null,
 "EMV_App_Label": null,
 "EMV_App_Name": null,
 "EMV_ARC": null,
 "EMV_CVM": -1,
 "CardBin": null,
 "EntryMethod": null,
 "PaymentMethod": null,
 "TransactionDate": "2017-05-19T14:12:06-05:00",
 "TransactionDateUtc": "2017-05-19T19:12:06Z",
 "InvoiceNumber": null,
 "ExpDate": null,
 "GiftPAN": null,
 "ResultCode": "Success",  // or Error
 "Message": null

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