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  4. setTerminalConfiguration


Some terminals allow for additional features to be enabled or disabled based on the terminal type. For instance, on Dejavoo terminals, you can enable a credit debit prompt.

Not all parameters are valid on all terminals and this list will expand as capabilities are added.

“Enable Credit Debit Prompt” (True or False) Will prompt the user to select credit or debit
“Enable EBT Food Prompt” (True or False) Will prompt the user to select EBT Food as a payment option
“Enable EBT Cash Prompt” (True or False) Will prompt the user to select EBT Cash as a payment option

PaxGetSignature (True or False) – Will prompt for a signature after an approved transaction and add the result to the transaction response.
“Pax Enable Tip Prompt” (True or False) If BroadPOS is configured to allow customer tips, then this needs to be enabled too
“Pax Enable Tokens” (True or False) If using Rapid Connect and tokenization, this needs to be enabled too

HTTP Request


JSON Response (standard transaction response fields)

"Message":"Operation has been done successfully"

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