You would use this method to run a transaction on the terminal. To run different types of transactions, change the command value in the request. Valid command values:
Sale, Refund, Auth, Capture, Void, TipAdjust,
GiftActivate, GiftSale, GiftRefund, GiftAddValue, GiftBalance
In order to do a follow-up transaction (commands in italics), the batch needs to still be open and the RefId from the previous transaction needs to be sent instead of creating a new one. It is also recommended that you create a RefId value for all initial transactions as that will allow you to use the checkStatus() in the event of comm errors. If you do not implement the checkStatus() you will lose transactions or cause duplicates.
HTTP Request{Key}&password={Pwd}&amount=2.50&refID=1234&terminalId={Id}
JSON Response
{ "TerminalID": "1234", "ResultCode": "Approved", "AuthCode": "abc1234", "TransType": "Sale", "Amount": 2.50, "AmountString":"2.50", "CardType": "Visa", "Last4": "0026", "Name": "John Doe", "CashBack": 0.00, "CashBackString": "0.00", "Message": "This is a sample message", "RefID": "ee0252f6-38bf-4c3f-97d4-a3ecf87cf69b", "CardToken":"ASDF2134-AHRCW+FSD123123-NKODS", "GiftCardBalance":23.75, "GiftCardBalanceString":"23.75", "ProcessorExtraData1":"KaNb015170105002706cAAFEd5e00fJlA m000005", "ProcessorExtraData2":"|17|210100700000", "ProcessorExtraData3":"0058", "SignatureData":"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAI4AAAQmCC=", "Track1": null, "Track2": null, "EMV_TC": "B9AB420B0937438F", "EMV_TVR": "0800008000", "EMV_AID": "A0000000031010", "EMV_TSI": "F800", "EMV_ATC": "0016", "EMV_App_Label": "Visa Credit", "EMV_App_Name": "Visa Credit", "CardBin": "476173", "ExpDate":"0117", "EntryMethod": "Chip", "receiptTerminal":"Blackline Partners Client ID: 13318900010001 Cashier ID: Lane: Store: 05/01/2015 16:56:25 SALE Invoice: 78 Account: VISA 401200******0026 Cardholder: TEST CARD /VISA Result: CAPTURED Authorization Code: 000271 " }